AES webinar by John Colt 21 Oct

Aquacultural Engineering Society Fall 2022 Webinar
Title: Comparison of nutrient costs from fish wastes and inorganic fertilizers for aquaponics systems
Date: Friday, 21 October 2022, 11:00 am EST/5:00 pm CET

This webinar is available to all AES members. A Zoom link will be emailed to all members 1 hour prior to the webinar. If not a member, please join the AES prior to the 21st to gain access to this presentation, as well as all past and upcoming society webinars and activities.

Dr. John Colt is an expert in hatchery and aquarium facility planning, especially as related to the water quality criteria, design of cost-effective operating systems, and water quality maintenance. He is a registered professional engineer in Washington State. He has published in the areas of dissolved gas monitoring, ammonia toxicity, oxygen supplementation, aeration, and aquaponics, including over 50 scientific publications in a variety of fishery and engineering journals

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Aquacultural Engineering

«n224_w1150» от автора BioDivLibrary/ pdm 1.0

Aquacultural Engineering is concerned with the design and development of effective aquacultural systems for marine and freshwater facilities. The journal aims to apply the knowledge gained from basic research which potentially can be translated into commercial operations.

Problems of scale-up and application of research data involve many parameters, both physical and biological, making it difficult to anticipate the interaction between the unit processes and the cultured animals. Aquacultural Engineering aims to develop this bioengineering interface for aquaculture and welcomes contributions in the following areas:

– Engineering and design of aquaculture facilities
Engineering-based research studies
– Construction experience and techniques
– In-service experience, commissioning, operation
– Materials selection and their uses
– Quantification of biological data and constraints

Style of presentation is flexible, but those papers dealing with specific problems should attempt to define them clearly in terms of systems engineering, quantifying the constraints, proposing solutions, implementing and detailing the design, and finally evaluating the outcome.

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